Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gluten Intolerance

I have done a lot of research in the past year and am now 100% convinced that Gluten is a big NO NO for my body. Here is just a small list of things I have found that are linked to Gluten intolerance: PCOS, Infertility, Thyroid disorders, Autoimmune disorders, liver disease, cancer, Autism, osteoporosis, epilepsy, learning disorders, etc... The list goes on and on. I am not saying that this is all from Gluten. I am saying that research shows that taking Gluten completely out of your diet can dramatically improve your health.  I can't tell you how many times I have read "I stopped eating gluten and I got my period for the first time in years".  This is of course on the PCOS sites ;-).  It is recommended that any woman or man who suffers from hormonal imbalance try the no gluten lifestyle and see what happens. Many sites report women who have been "diagnosed" with un-explained infertility issues got pregnant after taking gluten out of their diet.  You do not have to be diagnosed with celiac disease to have a gluten intolerance.  This is why it is missed by many doctors. If you take it out of your diet and you start feeling better, such as... more energy, brain fog is gone, less irritable, depression is better, cycles regulated, you're not bloated anymore, etc... you just may be sensitive to Gluten.  

In my recent post I have noted that I have an Autoimmune disease called Hashimotos.  An autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissue. In me it's my Thyroid. In many cases, it’s the consistent presence of incompletely digested food molecules in the blood stream that leads to autoimmunity. This is especially the case with gluten because it contains peptides that closely resemble human tissue and provokes the creation of antibodies that attack organs, glands, joints and other important areas of the body. 

The good news is that as soon as you eliminate gluten from your diet, the healing process begins almost immediately. I have tried limiting gluten for many years but always found myself cheating. I have found that even cheating a little for me sets me back. So I am now 100% Gluten free, and am very optimistic for the future. I have done a lot of food research and created some yummy recipes along the way. I would love to share them with you on future blog posts. 

No matter what you are going through just be curious about going gluten free. Do your own research, maybe try it out for awhile and see how you feel. I understand this may not be for everyone or maybe it's just not the right time. That is ok, but if you do want to do this try not to be hard on yourself. If you hit a little speed bump and find yourself cheating, don't dwell on it and beat yourself up.  Just be conscious of it and move on. Try to stay positive and think about what it would look like to feel better.

This is what I do... I close my eyes and try to feel what it would feel like to be completely healthy. Thinking about finally getting that positive pregnancy test knowing that I did this. It always makes me happy not sad. Try not to be sad about what you are going through. If you have been diagnosed with something try not to let it define you. Instead try to learn and grow from it.  My Last Five Years is a true gift from God. I truly believe this and know that the outcome of all of this is going to be Amazing :-)  

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